Thursday, December 09, 2004



A hundred fifty years ago this guy would have been on the back of a buckboard selling some 180 proof concoction as a surefire tonic for the stresses of frontier living. At the turn of the 20th century he would have been beating the bushes like Professor Harold Hill, selling some useless product to rubes in the heartland.

Today, he's a corporate consultant/trainer. And, unlike earlier versions of this type, the contemporary avatar doesn't even have to pretend that he's delivering a real product. But instead of being ridden out of town on a rail, he's welcomed into meeting rooms, conference rooms, seminars, and is paid handsomely for dispensing his modern snake oil.

He's in his mid fifties. He's got a full head of silver hair combed straight back and a double-breasted silver suit to match. Flashes a gaudy watch and shoots his cufflinks to complete the impression. He's quite taken with himself and assumes we are too.

One of the handouts from Mr. Slick includes a "partial list" of programs that he delivers. Apparently he's an expert in:

"E-Mail Etiquette" (that's got to be a full day program)

"The Art Of Negotiating" (you should have seen him nailing down this gig)

"Preventing Sexual Harassment" (obviously developed in self-defense - women won't leave him alone)

"Forward Thinking Leadership" (revised version of 20/20 hindsight program)

"Managing Time Effectively" (he takes no questions)

"Professional Presentation Skills" (we shall see)

"Communicating For Results" (I said I wanted lettuce and onion on that burger)

Among others. Many others. He's got:

"Dealing With Difficult People" (for the bad minority employess)

"A Dialogue On Respect" (for the good ones)

"Communicating In a Diverse Environment" (for the ones you haven't pigeon-holed yet)

"Conducting Performance Appraisals" (how to skewer the bad ones without getting sued)

"The Dynamics Of Change" (out they go)

And on and on.

Today we are in for an afternoon of "Releasing Your Personal Memory Power"


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